Tuesday 11 November 2014

Top tips for making your Embedded Linux device secure

 The internet of things (IoT) offers endless possibilities for smart devices and their applications. So it’s no wonder that the IoT is as equally tempting to hackers, as it is to developers, keen to showcase their latest developments.

A lack of security issues doesn’t mean you’re OK – you’re probably just not being targeted yet.

This paper is designed to help anyone who is developing an internet-enabled Linux device for personal or business use. It highlights the main areas to consider and provides a practical checklist for developing applications for Embedded Linux.

Linux -based systems are increasingly used in networked devices, as Linux offers a solid POSIX base for API and other conventions, which supports a permissions model conducive to a secure system and has industry-wide support.

The ability to create and remotely manage smart devices for utility services, traffic control, or reading meters can have very positive application benefits for business and personal use – however, there are some drawbacks.

High cost of development

From a business perspective, smart devices come at a cost and are much more expensive than their ‘dumb’ counterparts. For example, the price of a Wi-fi LED light bulb is almost 50 times the price of a standard LED equivalent (and 500 times the price of a non LED bulb).
To make these smart products attractive despite the wide cost differential, they need to provide either substantial unique consumer benefits (such as unrivalled convenience or even the kudos of being an early adopter) or significant operational cost savings (such as removing the need to take personal meter readings).

Security compromises

The next logical step towards success in the mass-market will be to narrow the price gap. Lower prices will lead to increasing competition and product designers and manufacturers looking for ways to lower the cost of development or improve economies of scale. In some cases, the desire to get to market quickly or cut costs may result in product de-scoping – either of which may adversely affect the attention paid to device security.

Hackers have already proven that Wi-Fi light bulbs, baby monitors and even pacemakers can be vulnerable to attack. Whilst the roll out of smart meters will enable energy companies to make significant operational cost savings, it is not unthinkable that hackers could find a way to switch all of the meters off – leaving thousands of homeowners and businesses without energy in an all too literal Denial of Service.

Not only would the damage to reputation be enormous but the costs of addressing the issue would be even more significant than the savings that had been generated. The security breach would need to be identified, solutions determined (for immediate fix and a more permanent solution, if required) and customers would need to be reconnected – as safety standards require each meter to be switched on manually (necessitating an engineer’s visit)!

At best this may cause a few customers minor issues, at worst, it could cut energy to millions of customers and jeopardise the business.

But it’s not just organisations designing and developing devices with embedded systems; many thousands of enthusiasts and students are looking to put their own Linux-based devices online – and they can be just as vulnerable!

Every program is a potential target. Vulnerabilities can be found and used to:
- Crash your software
- Learn your secrets
- Gain control – whether that’s to show off or to use your product maliciously
Therefore, it makes sense to build in security from the start.

The Linux security onion
There are various layers that need to be considered in the ‘Linux security onion’.
- The network layer – the connected environment such as the internet or IoT
- The environment layer – the Linux operating system
- The application layer – the device’s physical system, code and application scripted onto the device by the developer

Securing a device means understanding how and why problems occur and how to address each of these specific layers. For example, C and C++ are not secure languages – they can be subject to format string attacks, buffer overflows or stack and heap overflows – but they are the defacto choice for development on Linux.

Even using a high level language such as Python does not mean that developers can be complacent and assume they are safe from malicious actors. Developers need to take more effective action to secure their devices online.

The Zen of Hacking

There are a few simple ways that a device can be hacked.

Firstly, it is possible to trick the device into consuming more input than it allocated memory for, to cause a buffer overflow. Once the buffer that lives on the program overflows either:

- the stack is ‘smashed’. This allows an overwrite to another stack variable which can be used to take control of the device – often by aiming the CPU at memory you don’t control; or
- the heap is corrupted by fooling the system about how it tracks memory. Once corrupted, it is possible to trick the program into writing to arbitrary places in the memory.
Security checklist

The following tips provide a useful checklist for developers wanting to secure the application layer in the Linux security onion.

Authentication and some best practice suggestions

1. Use an authentication mechanism that cannot be bypassed or tampered with. When
implementing authentication, ensure that it cannot be bypassed trivially – hardcoded passwords
cause issues all the time, as well as “secret” admin pages for web enabled devices where you
only need to know the URI

2. Make sure you authorize after you authenticate. Understand the difference between
authorisation and authentication and what that means on your platform: Authorisation – What
the user can do (Discretionary/Mandatory access controls, read/write access to files etc).
Authentication – Who the user is (Username + SSH Keys/Password)

3. Strictly separate data and control instructions, and never process control instructions received
from untrusted sources. If you require privileged status to perform functionality – separate the
reading/writing of the raw data from the parsing/logic. This prevents bugs and exploits in the
data processing side (think XML, JPEG etc) from interfering with the control logic. This is
paramount when handling data from unverified sources.

4. Define an approach that ensures all data are explicitly validated and identify sensitive data and
how they should be handled. Following on from the previous point – always validate and verify
the files entering your system – If you’re processing an XML file which consists of a million
nested elements, what will happen to your parser? Consider a verification/fuzzing strategy and
assume hostile intent!

5. Understand how integrating external components changes your attack surface. The more
components added to your system, the larger your attack surface. Think about what happens if
you add USB support, do bugs in the USB stack open you up to unexpected strategies? What
about userspace applications? Consider these effects when competing in the features race.

6. Be flexible when considering future changes to objects and actors. Take the view that some of
the software on your platform will have flaws and it may not always be in the controlled
conditions it was originally designed for – always consider an upgrade/patch strategy for your embedded devices

7. Use “safe” string functions. For example, avoid ‘strtok’ and use ‘strtok_r’ or ‘strtok_s’ with – std=c11 instead, in order to prevent buffers being modified or performing ‘out of character’

8. Always know the size of the string and allocate a string large enough to hold the output, including NULL

9. Be wary of NULL and control characters in data you’re handling

10. Know the memory model – who allocates, who frees – the caller or the callee?

11. Always allocate enough memory for the expected input and watch out for magic numbers or out of range values!

Architecture and data tips
12. Knowing how your architecture works is fundamental to understanding how it can be used against you – sometimes it can be fun to have a “breakdown session” to see how secure your product is.
13. Shellcode isn’t that hard to write… when you know how. Take some time to learn how to at least read it and how it works
14. GDB and objdump are free and highly powerful tools – learn how to use them to understand not what your code should do but what it can do.
15. New exploit techniques are always being developed – stay on top of them by tracking the CVE lists and ensure you have an update strategy.
16. Always check what data you’re being given – eg. gif/jpeg/mp3/wav etc – Do you trust the values given to you? What does your code do when it opens a JPEG that’s -100000 by -1000000?

Language, file paths and other coding tips
17. C and C++ are not secure languages so remember to do formal verification when using them – bonus points if it’s part of your continuous integration strategy
18. Even understanding how a binary gets into memory in the first place will give you an advantage over other programmers
19. Try not to hard code values – what if you update in one location and not the other?
20. Remember that all command line arguments are in control of the user launching it – are you using getopt or have you rolled your own? Is it secure?
21. Be careful about working with shared files – Who else can read/write to the file?
22. Filepaths can contain .. and … so be wary of directory traversal attacks
23. Think about file operations. For example, try to avoid API calls that take a path name and prefer those that take a file descriptor instead – this will help mitigate race conditions. And watch out for hard/soft links
24. Don’t be afraid to use open-source libraries – Most are under the LGPL which allows dynamic linking without requiring you to open-source your code.
25. Learn what tools are available for your environment – if you aren’t willing to discover them, there’s a hacker or saboteur, who will!


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